타워팰리스(Tower Palace A,B,C,G)
- 한국 초고층빌딩
- 2019. 8. 17.
A동(Tower A) : 한국 초고층빌딩 높이 순위 51위
B동(Tower B) : 한국 초고층빌딩 높이 순위 31위
C동(Tower C) : 한국 초고층빌딩 높이 순위 51위
G동(Tower G) : 한국 초고층빌딩 높이 순위 12위
공식명칭 (Official Name) |
(Tower Palace A,B,C,D,E,F,G) |
주소 (Location) |
서울특별시 강남구 언주로30길 56 (467 Dogok-dong, Seoul, South Korea) |
높이/층수 (Height/Floor) |
A동(1차,209m) / 지상 59층, 지하 5층 (Tower A : 59 floors above ground, 5 floors under ground) B동(1차,234m) / 지상 66층, 지하 5층 (Tower B : 66 floors above ground, 5 floors under ground) C동(1차,209m) / 지상 59층, 지하 5층 (Tower C : 59 floors above ground, 5 floors under ground) D동(1차,153m) / 지상 42층, 지하 5층 (Tower D : 42 floors above ground, 5 floors under ground) E동(2차,191m) / 지상 55층, 지하 5층 (Tower E : 55 floors above ground, 5 floors under ground) F동(2차,191m) / 지상 55층, 지하 5층 (Tower F : 55 floors above ground, 5 floors under ground) G동(3차,264m) / 지상 69층, 지하 6층 (Tower G : 69 floors above ground, 5 floors under ground) 스포츠동(3차) / 지상 7층, 지하 6층 (Sports Tower : 7 floors above ground, 6 floors under ground) |
연면적 (Total gross floor area) |
1차(One) : 457,994㎡ 2차(Two) : 296,650㎡ 3차(Three) : 222,720㎡ |
E/V |
39(1차One)/34(2차Two)/18(3차Thrree) |
주차공간 (Parking Space) |
1차(One) : 3654 2차(Two) : 2276 3차(Three) : 1266 |
공사기간 (Construction period) |
1차(One): 1999.06~2002.10 2차(Two) : 2000~2003.02 3차(Three) : 2001.05~2004.04 |
건축설계 (Design) |
1차(One) : 삼우 종합건축사사무소 (Samoo Architects&Engineers) 2차(Two) : 삼우 종합건축사사무소 (Samoo Architects&Engineers) 3차(Three) : 삼우 종합건축사사무소, S.O.M (Samoo Architects&Engineers,S.O.M) |
시행사(사업주) (Developer) |
1차(One) :삼성전자 (Samsung Electronics) 2차(Two) : 삼성중공업 (Samsung Heavy Industries) 3차(Three): 삼성생명 (Samsung Life Insurance) |
시공사 (Constructor) |
1차(One): 삼성물산 (Samsung C&T Corporation) 2차(Two): 삼성중공업 (Samsung Heavy Industries) 3차(Three): 삼성중공업, 삼성물산 (Samsung Heavy Industries,Samsung C&T Corporation) |
소유주 (Owner) |
삼성물산 (Samsung C&T Corporation) |
층별용도 (Floor usage) |
[A동(Tower A)] 31F~59F : 아파트(Apartment) 30F : 연회장, 게스트룸, 옥외정원(Banqueting Hall, Guest Room, Garden) 3F~29F : 아파트(Apartment) 2F : 독서실, 유아놀이방(Reading Room, Play Room for kids) 1F : 로비, 실버하우스(Robby, Silver House) B1F~B5F : 지하주차장(Parking Lot)
[B동(Tower B)] 35F~65F : 아파트(Apartment) 34F : 연회장,게스트룸,옥외정원(Banqueting Hall, Guest Room, Garden) 3F~33F : 아파트(Apartment) 2F : 독서실, 유아놀이방(Reading Room, Play Room for kids) 1F : 로비, 실버하우스(Robby, Silver House) B1F~B5F : 지하주차장(Parking Lot)
[C동(Tower C)] 31F ~ 59F : 아파트(Apartment) 30F : 연회장, 게스트룸, 옥외정원(Banqueting Hall, Guest Room, Garden) 3F ~ 29F : 아파트(Apartment) 2F : 독서실, 유아놀이방(Reading Room, Play Room for kids) 1F : 로비, 실버하우스(Robby, Silver House) B1F~B5F : 지하주차장(Parking Lot)
[D동(Tower D)] 22F~ 42F : 아파트(Apartment) 21F: 연회장, 게스트룸, 옥외정원(Banqueting Hall, Guest Room, Garden) 3F ~ 20F : 오피스텔(Officetel) 2F : 독서실, 유아놀이방(Reading Room, Play Room for kids) 1F : 로비, 실버하우스(Robby, Silver House) B1F~B4F : 지하주차장(Parking Lot)
[E동(Tower E)] 33F ~ 54F : 아파트(Apartment) 32F : 아파트, 기계실(Apartment, Mechanical Room) 13F~ 31F : 아파트(Apartment) 11F~ 12F : 아파트, 기계실(Apartment, Mechanical Room) 10F : 오피스텔, 기계실(Officetel, Mechanicall Room) 3F ~ 9F : 오피스텔(Officetel) 2F : 독서실, 노래방, 게스트룸(Reading Room, Karaoke, Guest Room) 1F : 로비(Robby) B5F~B1F : 지하주차장(Parking Lot)
[F동(Tower F)] 32F : 아파트, 기계실(Apartment, Mechanical Room) 33F ~ 54F : 아파트(Apartment) 11F ~ 31F : 아파트(Apartment) 3F~ 10F : 오피스텔(Officetel) 2F : 수영장, 헬스(Swimming Pool, Health Club) 1F : 로비(Robby) B1F~B5F : 지하주차장(Parking Lot)
[G동(Tower G)] 56F~69F : 아파트(Apartment) 55F : 완충지대 17F~54F : 아파트(Apartment) 16F : 완충지대 3F~15F : 오피스텔(Officetel) 1F~2F : 로비, 커뮤니티(Robby) B1F~B6F : 지하주차장(Parking Lot) |
특징 (Point) |
-한국 최초의 초고층 주상복합 아파트 (Korea's First High-rise Mixed-use Apartment)
-남쪽에 창을 내는 기존의 관념을 깨고 전망이 좋은 북측에 거실을 배치 (Breaking the existing concept of windowing in the south, put a living room in the North with a good view)
-각 동 1~2층에는 주민회의실, 클럽하우스, 게임룸, 노래방, 독서실, 육아시설, 주민전용 수영장, 헬스장 등을 갖춤 (Each one- to two-story building is equipped with a community conference room, club house, game room, karaoke, reading room, childcare facilities, a community-only swimming pool and a fitness center)
-1차 1297세대, 오피스텔 202실 -2차 813세대, 오피스텔 148실 -3차 480세대, 오피스텔 130실 (Tower Palace One is consisting of 1297 serviced apartments and 202 Officetel) (Tower Palace Two is consisting of 813 serviced apartments and 148 Officetel) (Tower Palace Three is consisting of 480 serviced apartments and 130 Officetel)
-내진설계 7.0 (Tower Palace One, Two, Three are designed to resist an earthquake of 7 on the Richter scale)
-50MPa 강도의 콘크리트를 국내 최초로 적용 (Application of 50MPa-high concrete for the first time in Korea)
-국내 최초의 수화열 제어를 위한 파이프 쿨링 시스템을 적용해 시간 단축과 인력 절감의 효과 (Application of Pipe Cooling System to Control Hydration Heat for the first time in Korea to reduce time and reduce manpower)
-국내에서 상용건물로는 최초로 적용한 CFT(사각 또는 원형의 강관에 고강도, 고유동화 콘크리트를 충진한 기둥) 공법 (CFT (Column filled with high-strength, high-furnace concrete) method applied as the first commercial building in Korea) |
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